The Folsom Lake 3D Wood Carved Map

Map of Sacramento Folsom Lake

This wonderful materialistic piece created by Aygul Akhmadeeva shows off how beautiful her project has came out.

This project might interest Sacramento residents due to a 3D look of the Folsom lake map! Sacramento’s most populated Lake , Folsom Lake is a place worth getting water from Tahoe’s mountain range. Its light blue color ,this map features all main roads leading up to the lake.

The Depth of the lake is shown in the pieces as well. They decided to not stop on working with wood, but add a new material to make the project interesting but also challenging and experimental. They decided to work on a material that they never used before- epoxy! The Materials used in this project was wood, clear casting epoxy, blue epoxy, it is filled that will create a realistic view of the lake water.

It measures  approx. 10 ½ x 8 ½ x 5/8 ; This piece is about 5 layers thick!!!

Aygul Akhmadeeva stated, “ If we do a couple layers of a 2D cut of wood we can create a 3D visual effect.”


This project took about a month to complete. Aygul stated, “ It is possible to create this project within 1 day only with all equipment and material available.”

All projects have there side effects or there difficulties within a certain project. One was choosing the settings for the laser. Second, was to get familiar on how to work with epoxy. Due to its ingredient being limited time only to use it. The way Aygul accomplished this process was due to making dozen of experiments with the material.